"Can someone tell me what skill set should a Performance and Capacity Analyst have and develop throughout his career?"and I realized that, although I have a kind of list in my head, and I talk about such skills in my classes, I have been too lazy to write them down anywhere; which is pretty dumb. I must try to do something about that (New Year resolution? What are the odds?). In some ways, my fallback is the online Guerrilla Manual. Anyway, here is my (slightly edited) response to the LI question, and let it therefore constitute my first attempt at writing down such a list.
Possibly pithy insights into computer performance analysis and capacity planning based on the Guerrilla series of books and training classes provided by Performance Dynamics Company.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
A List of CaP Skills
Monday, December 19, 2011
Season's Greetings 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Webinar: Load Testing Meets Data Analytics
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Kanban Revived in an Agile Kind of Way
Now, it seems kanban has been revived under the "agile" banner for making software development more efficient. Of course, the concept of using cards to capture dev state information is not entirely new, even in the context of software engineering. So-called Snow Cards are another card-based technique used to monitor the software development process.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Visual Illusions: Google vs Facebook vs Yahoo
Recently, Guerrilla alumnus, Scott J. pointed me at this Chart of the Day showing how Google revenue growth was outpacing both Facebook and Yahoo, when compared 7 years after launching the respective companies.
Clearly, this chart is intended to be an attention getter for the Silicon Alley Insider website but, it looks about right and normally I might have just accepted the claim without giving it anymore thought. The notion that Google growth is dominating, is also consistent with a lot of other things one sees. No surprises there.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Plan for GCaP in November

As usual, it will be held at our lovely Larkspur Landing location. Click on the image for booking information.
Attendees should bring their laptops, as course materials are provided on CD or flash drive. The venue also offers free wi-fi to the internet.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
How Much Wayback for CaP?

My reasoning goes like this:
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Subjugation to the Sigmas
Nines | Percent | Downtime/Year | σ Level |
4 | 99.99% | 52.596 minutes | 4σ |
5 | 99.999% | 5.2596 minutes | - |
6 | 99.9999% | 31.5576 seconds | 5σ |
7 | 99.99999% | 3.15576 seconds | - |
8 | 99.999999% | 315.6 milliseconds | 6σ |
In this way, people like to talk about achieving "5 nines" availability or a "six sigma" quality level. These phrases are often bandied about without appreciating:
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
IBM Introduces the Cognitive Chip
Saturday, August 13, 2011
GDAT 2011 in Review
Some course highlights that you missed:
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Q-Q Plots and Power Laws in Database Performance Data
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Multiserver Numbers Game

The problem is that eqn. \eqref{eqn:badest} grossly underestimates $R_m$, which is precisely the wrong direction for capacity planning scenarios. For that purpose, it's generally better to overestimate performance metrics. That's too bad because it would be a handy Guerrilla-style formula if it did work. You would be able do the calculation in your head and impress everyone on your team (not to mention performing it as a party trick).
Given that eqn. \eqref{eqn:badest} is a poor estimator, you might wonder if there's a better one, and if you'd been working for Thomas Edison he would have told you: "There's a better wsy. Find it!" Easy for him to say. But if you did decide to take up Edison's challenge, how would you even begin to search for such a thing?
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Little's Lore
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The Backstory on Time-Share Computing
These accounts are noteworthy because they are written by the brother of one of the developers (of early email—depending on how you define email) and the author is a journalist, so he interviewed some of the personalities (who are now getting on a bit).
There are also lots of fascinating photos.
Monday, June 27, 2011
A Winking Pink Elephant
"With four parameters I can fit an elephant. With five I can make his trunk wiggle." —John von NeumannIn that vein, Guerrilla alumnus Stephen O'C. pointed me at a recent blog post and paper (PDF) that draws an elephantine curve using just 4 fitting coefficients or parameters. Stephen also sent me his translation of the Python code into R. Previous efforts apparently had required some 30 parameters. The secret to the success of this latest example is plotting the elephant in the complex plane by summing certain Fourier modes. That's all very cool but I was surprised to see that the output was static (no wiggles), even though 5 parameters are defined. That shortcoming, however, provided me with the impetus to try out R's animation package and here's the result.

Notice that my elephant not only wiggles his trunk but he also winks—a wiggling winking pink elephant. Actually, I think he looks more like a winking woolly mammoth. :)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Bit.ly Kung Fooz Itself
I love Twitter, but it's not for everybody and I can understand why some people don't get it or don't like it. One of the things I like is how the 140 char limit forces you to compose your tweet more carefully than you would in email or a blog. Tweeted URL links are counted as chars, so they can become a problem. Whether you use Twitter or not, there are occasions when you would like to replace some cosmologically long URL, like this http://maps.google.com/maps?q=27%C2%B09%E2%80%B236.73%E2%80%B3S+70%C2%B029%E2%80%B248.4%E2%80%B3W+&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=-27.268058,-70.423737&spn=0.330804,0.558929&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.819897,72.158203&t=h&z=11 with this http://j.mp/dmYEHy. That's where URL shorteners come in and there are many shortening services out there.
Until very recently, I had settled on using j.mp exclusively for Twitter because it was the first service I became aware of that produced the shortest URLs without going to unicode. j.mp is owned by bit.ly. With the recent advent of Twitter auto-shortening, bit.ly seems to be scrambling to keep users and in that process I suddenly noticed j.mp was now being redirected to bit.ly, which is not as short.
Moreover, j.mp was taking much more time to process a URL due to the growing JS eye-candy on their web page, not to mention "processing" your data. I can really see this with my web client bloat-detector: a 1 GHz Power Mac G4.
Finally, I decided to give bit.ly the chop in favor of goo.gl. Here's why:
- Not as short as j.mp but generally shorter than Tweeter's auto-shortner
- Tweeter auto-shortner can leave fairly explicit URL fragments
- Sometimes I don't want to divert attention with the longer Twitter URL string
- It has much lower JS overhead (Goog KISSes it) which makes for faster translation
- Goog doesn't need to riffle my wallet for this service
- Goog was tracking my data anyway :/
Monday, June 20, 2011
Bye Bye Mr. Bar Code

Queueing at a grocery checkout [Source: Perl PDQ 2nd edn]
The bar code was an effort to modernize the grocery industry, which dates back to the 1940s. Woodland and Silver received a patent in 1952, but because scanning technology was rather poor at that time, their invention went largely unused. And that's where Alan Haberman comes in because he championed its adoption in actual retail stores. The first product to be purchased using a barcode, chewing gum no less, took place in 1974 at Marsh Supermarket in Troy, Ohio,
All of which brings me to the point of this post. Not only do I tend to use the grocery store as a familiar example of queueing effects, both in my Guerrilla CaP classes and my Perl::PDQ book, but Jim Holtman, one of our GDAT instructors, is currently doing data analysis and simulations for Kroger Supermarket in Cincinnati, Ohio. What is it with Ohio and grocery stores?
What started with barcodes, continues today with the application of RFID, motion capture, shelf optimization and so forth. And all these performance improvements rely on analyzing big data sets. No doubt, Jim will recount some of this in the upcoming GDAT class. You could do worse than be there for that. You can even bring your own data to be scanned and we'll check it out for you. :)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Two Heads Are Better Than One ... And m
From Little's law, the utilization of the cashier is ρ = λ S = 0.5 × 1.5 = 0.75 or 75%. The residence time is given by R1 = S/(1 − ρ) = 6.0 minutes.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Go Guerrill-R on Your Data

(Click on the image for details)
Classes are held at our Larkspur Landing location in Pleasanton, California; a 45-minute BART ride to downtown San Francisco. For those of you coming from international locations, here is a table of currency EXCHANGE rates. We look forward to seeing all of you in August!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Quantifying Scalability FTW (The Movie)
Here's the abstract:
You probably already collect performance data, but data ain't information. Successfull scalability requires transforming your data so that you can quantify the cost-benefit of any architectural decisions. In other words:
measurement + models == information
So, measurement alone is only half the story; you need a method to transform your data. In this presentation I will show you a method that I have developed and applied successfully to large-scale web sites and stack applications to quantify the benefits of proposed scaling strategies. To the degree that you don't quantify your scalability, you run the risk of ending up with WTF rather than FTW.
Monday, May 23, 2011
May 2011 Guerrilla Classes: Light Bulb Moments
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Applying PDQ in R to Load Testing
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Fundamental Performance Metrics
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
PC and Netbook Sales Drop
Case in point:
Acer, the number-three PC maker in the world, told investors this morning that second-quarter sales will be down 10% from last year. That's more bad news for PC suppliers like Microsoft and Intel.[Source: Business Insider]
The company has been hammered as netbook sales dried up, replaced in part by Apple's iPad.
The news about Netbooks didn't come as a complete surprise to me because I had already decided they were a losing proposition in 2009. The thing to track now is the impact on Intel and Microsoft.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
CMG Atlanta: Southbound for the Deep South

I will be at the CMG Greater Atlanta Spring conference on April 27, 2011. I was asked to cover something for both veterans and newcomers to capacity planning—along the lines of my Guerrilla Boot Camp classes. So, here's what I came up with.
Guerrilla CaP for Noobs and Nerds
Whether you're a newbie (noob) or a veteran (nerd) when it comes to capacity planning (CaP) and performance analysis, it never hurts to revisit the fundamentals. However, some CaP concepts that are touted as fundamental are actually myths. Here are some myths I hear all too often.
What's NOT:
During my twin session I will take these myths apart to expose the facts in terms of
- We don't need no stinkin' CaP, just more cheap servers.
- CPU utilization should never exceed 70% busy.
- A well-consolidated server should have no idle cycles.
- Throughput and latency are independent metrics that must be measured separately.
- Optimal response time is achieved at the knee of the curve.
- If you can measure it, you can manage it.
What's HOT†:
Along the way, I'll offer some Guerrilla mantras, as seen in my Guerrilla book and generated automatically on Twitter. You can use them as weapons of mass instruction to bust any other myths held by your colleagues and managers, whether you're a noob or nerd.
- If the app is single-threaded, a boat-load of cheap servers from China won't help.
- A 64-way server running 70% busy is 25% underutilized.
- A consolidated server may need to be under 10% busy to meet app SLAs.
- Throughput and latency are inversely related ... always!
- Response time knees are an optical illusion.
- All performance measurements are wrong by definition.
† With apologies to Paris Hilton.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
PDQ Models: Show Me the Code
During a recent exchange with a potential PDQ user, that occurred as a sequence of blog comments related to my earlier post about getting started wtih PDQ, I thought we were very close to converging on the appropriate queueing model for his problem, and that it would make a nice addition to the models discussed in my Perl::PDQ book. In fact, I thought the model looked like this
which involves a feedback flow of requests to the Authent-ification server.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Hotsos 2011: Brooks, Cooks, Delay and This Just In ...
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Hotsos 2011: Mine the GAPP
Friday, February 4, 2011
USL Fine Point: Sub-Amdahl Scalability
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Idleness Is Not Waste
All performance analysis and capacity planning is essentially about optimizing resource usage under a particular set of constraints. The fallacy is treating maximization as optimization. This mistake is further exacerbated if only one performance metric, i.e., CPU utilization, is taken into account: a common situation promoted by the superficiality of performance dashboards. Maximization doesn't necessarily mean 100% utilization, either. The same is true even if some amount of CPU capacity is retained as headroom for workload growth. The tendency to "redline" it can still prevail.
You can't optimize a single number. Server utilization has to be optimized with respect to other measures, e.g., application response-time targets. We know from simple queueing theory that response time increases nonlinearly (the proverbial "hockey stick") with increasing server utilization. If the response-time goals are being met at 10% CPU busy, pre-consolidation, then almost certainly they will be exceeded at higher CPU utilization, post-consolidation. The response-time metric is an example of a cost that has to be taken into account to satisfy all the constraints of the optimized capacity plan.
Maximizing server utilization is as foolhardy as maximizing revenue. Both goals look attractive on their face, but if you don't keep track of outgoing CapEx and OpEx costs incurred to generate revenue, you could lose the company!