This class is especially accessible if you are located in central Europe. Since it will come hot on the heels of the TrivadisOPEN conference (23.-24. Juni 2009), it should also be of particular interest if you are responsible for ORACLE database performance management.
I'll also be presenting some joint work on Oracle RAC scalability with Peter Stalder at TrivadisOPEN, 10-11am Agenda 2 zweiten Tag (2nd day). For both the class and the conference, please register through Trivadis, not Performance Dynamics.
I'm still in the process of customizing the course content, so if there's anything you'd like to have covered (that's not already in the course outline), let me know. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you there!
It is going to be pretty busy that week in Zurich as there is a well known Java technology conference being held at the same time.
Jazoon'09 – The International Conference on Java Technology
Make sure to book your hotel as early as possible.
I am speaking that week at the conference and would welcome the opportunity to meet in person.
No worries. Oracle owns Java now. ;-)
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