Friday, February 19, 2010

Guerrilla Boot Camps Coming Up

Time to start thinking about getting approval for Guerrilla training in 2010. How to do more with less.

Seminar room Larkspur Landing hotel Pleasanton California
(Click on the image for more details)

Upcoming options:
  1. Two-day, entry-level Guerrilla Boot Camp runs Mar 25-26
  2. Back-2-back Boot Camp and full Guerrilla CaP course runs May 6-14
All Guerrilla classes have a certification level 1, 2, 3, but there are no prerequisites at this time. For those of you coming from international locations, here is a table of currency exchange rates.

We look forward to seeing all of you here!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Guerrilla Mantras Now Updated on Twitter

Those of you in the trenches carrying out performance analysis and capacity planning, perhaps doing it off your own bat, often find yourself in the position where you wish you could point quickly to a more authoritative list of reasons in support your goals. It can mean the difference between convincing your management or not.

To this end, the Guerrilla Manual is provided as a pull-out booklet in the rear jacket of my Guerrilla Capacity Planning book. Now, for an even more rapid-fire response, Guerrilla mantras (140 characters or less) are automatically posted on Twitter. Look for the GMantra tag.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A4 (ain't just paper anymore): Apple's New Chip

In case you missed it, with the advent of the iPad, Apple Inc. has entered the CPU business. While many pundits are still scratching their heads and wondering, "Who needs a giant iPod Touch?" Chris O'Brian notes:

"For the first time, Apple has built it’s own chip for a product. For years, the company has worked with others, first Motorola and then IBM, to build its processors. But for the iPad, the company debuted its A4 chip. The chip came via its acquistion of P.A. Semi in 2008. Building its own chip reportedly was one of the key reasons Apple was able to bring the cost of the iPad down. But early reviewers have also noted the iPad’s speed at rendering Web pages. The A4 potentially puts Apple in a position to build more of its own chips, and it also sets up a new rivalry against Intel for the mobile computing business."

Apple has built chips before; he means home-grown microprocessor.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

NorCal ORACLE User Group Meeting

The 2010 Winter noCOUG Conference will be held at the CarrAmerica Conference Center in Pleasanton, California, on Thursday, February 11, 2010. Attendance is $50 for non-members. If you're planning to attend, then you will need to RSVP online.

I will be presenting both:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch ...

Just returned from 2 months in Melbourne, Australia to discover this is my "welcome home" from El Niño.

Happy New Year!