Looking for a rock-solid investment during the financial meltdown? Seats are still available for the next
Guerrilla Capacity Planning class, which will be held in November at our Larkspur Landing location.

Click on the image for details.
For those of you coming from international locations, here is a
table of current exchange rates. We look forward to seeing all of you in November!
I tried to register for GCaP class, but it says it is Closed. I have been waiting for my company expense release. I would really like to take the course this year. Is there waiting list?
Please send email to Performance Dynamics using the info on this page http://www.perfdynamics.com/contact.html and we'll fill you in.
THank you, Neil. Actually I already did yesterday, and I actually did fax all the registration details this morning.
Hopefully someone will contact me soon on the matter. THanks a lot.
Chang, I finally saw your email but when I replied your email addr is getting a "failed permanently" rejection. Please fix or give me a stable email addr if you want more info. Thanks.---njg
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