Wednesday, April 11, 2012

PostgreSQL Scalability Analysis Deconstructed

In 2010, I presented my universal scalability law (USL) at the SURGE conference. I came away with the impression that nobody really understood what I was talking about (quantifying scalability) or, maybe DevOps types thought it was all too hard (math). Since then, however, I've come to find out that people like Baron Schwartz did get it and have since applied the USL to database scalability analysis. Apparently, things have continued to propagate to the point where others have heard about the USL from Baron and are now using it too.

Robert Haas is one of those people and he has applied the USL to Postgres scalability analysis. This is all good news. However, there are plenty of traps for new players and Robert has walked in several of them to the point where, by his own admission, he became confused about what conclusions could be drawn from his USL results. In fact, he analyzed three cases:

  1. PostgreSQL 9.1
  2. PostgreSQL 9.2 with fast locking
  3. PostgreSQL 9.2 current release
I know nothing about Postgres but thankfully, Robert tabulated on his blog the performance data he used and that allows me to deconstruct what he did with the USL. Here, I am only going to review the first of these cases: PostgreSQL 9.1 scalability. I intend to return to the claimed superlinear effects in another blog post.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sex, Lies and Log Plots

From time to time, at the Hotsos conferences on Oracle performance, I've heard the phrase, "battle against any guess" (BAAG) used in presentations. It captures a good idea: eliminate guesswork from your decision making process. Although that's certainly a laudable goal, life is sometimes not so simple; particularly when it comes to performance analysis. Sometimes, you really can't seem to determine unequivocally what is going on. Inevitably, you are left with nothing but making a guess—preferably an educated guess, not a random guess (the type BAAG wants to eliminate). As I say in one of my Guerrilla mantras: even wrong expectations (or a guess) are better than no expectations. In more scientific terms, such an educated guess is called a hypothesis and it's a major way of making scientific progress.

Of course, it doesn't stop there. The most important part of making an educated guess is testing its validity. That's called hypothesis testing, in scientific circles. To paraphrase the well-known Russian proverb, in contradistinction to BAAG: Guess, but justify*. Because all hypothesis testing is a difficult process, it can easily get subverted into reaching the wrong conclusion. Therefore, it is extremely important not to set booby traps inadvertently along the way. One of the most common visual booby trap arises from the inappropriate use of logarithmically-scaled axes (hereafter, log axes) when plotting data.

Linear scale:
Each major interval has a common difference (d), e.g., 200,400,600,800,1000 if d=200:

Log scale:
Each major interval has a common multiple or base (b), e.g., 0.1,1,10,100,1000 if b=10:

The general property of a log axis is to stretch out the low end of the axis and compress the high end. Notice the unequal minor interval spacings. Hence, using a log scaled axis (either x or y) is equivalent to applying a nonlinear transformation to the data. In other words, you should be aware that introducing a log axis will distort the visual representation of the data, which can lead to entirely wrong conclusions.